Offering an energetically charged package of lovingly radical
Guidance, Teaching & Healing
Unity Gatherings
Offering an energetically charged package of lovingly radical
Guidance, Teaching & Healing
Love is all you need?
Would you love that to be true, but you either don’t know how to live it or
wonder if it’s just idealistic, with no practical use in the real world?
Perhaps you find yourself despairing in the face of your challenges
or overwhelmed by hopelessness in the face of world events?
Let me reveal to you the truth of the limitless power of love –
the most potent resolver, healer and liberator in existence,
that unites us all as our One True Nature.
If you are reading this then maybe it’s time for you to be free and revealed
as the love that you uniquely are, that transforms your life and the world around you.
One True Nature Unity Gatherings are an open invitation
to relieve and reveal, uplift and heal, lighten and enlighten your life.
By highly attuning to the gathering, the perfect guidance, support and teachings are offered,
followed by the opportunity to ask questions for personal guidance in the group setting -
life has a magical way of bringing the perfect people together
so that guidance for one offers benefits for all.
Guidance, support and healing is offered by an energetically charged transmission -
you are invited to simply relax, breathe in and bathe in the energy of the words.
"It is my great honour to serve you by offering the most lovingly radical, practical,
grounded guidance, in the most relaxed and often humorous way."
Fiona MacLeod
Read more about One True Nature and Fiona MacLeod
(C) One True Nature. All rights reserved.